Too tired and foggy-headed to think of a clever title.

I've been home sick today. Saturday night this sickness just slammed me and I've been wiped out since. I never like to call in to a job, but sometimes it is necessary. Today was definitely one of those days. I tried to go to CVS, and that proved to be disastrous. So, up until about 3pm, I slept on a heating pad in the hopes that my ear drum will release the mounting pressure behind it and I can hear again. I am thankful to have my Desi because being sick and living alone can sometimes add to the feeling of ick. I am feeling somewhat better at the moment, but not much energy and still coughing-convulsing, and the whole not being able to hear out of left ear, slightly annoying.


During the day of Saturday was delightful as I met up with an old college friend (haha college was four years ago) and we painted pottery and ate sushi and tried some sake. I'm glad I was able to do that before the ear closed up and I was reduced to sleeping and coughing for two days.

The home inspector went through the condo and found the heating unit "inoperable" so if the lady doesn't fix it or make concessions, that could be bad for me. However, my realtor is very optimistic b/c hey, she will have to fix the heat for any buyer. So, here's hoping.

As my friend and I were painting out our carefully chosen ceramic pieces, we were talking and she decided that we are at that age where we are finding out who are true friends are. I think that always makes people squeamish because of course everyone wants to be considered a true friend. I think that most people do the best they can, myself included. Sometimes, you have to meet people where they are and just realize they are doing they best they can.

Everyone's been hurt. Everyone's been lied to. Everyone's been talked about behind their backs. Everyone's said hurtful things. Everyone's been angry. Nobody's perfect. But sometimes people are toxic. And sometimes cut ties are necessary. I think that may be what my friend was talking about. The realization that when bad things happen some people scatter, some people laugh at you, some people talk about you when you're not around, and then some people call you to see if you're okay. Or better yet are sitting beside you while you cry or scream or whatever.

It's the people that back you up, no matter what. Stand behind you or beside you. Are perceptive enough about your feelings to know what to say and what not to say. But they don't lie. We would be lucky to have one person in our lives that care that much. I am lucky. I am thankful.

Little things mean so much to me.


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