Mea Culpa

These words were in my dream last night. I can't remember everything, but a man with a face that I can't make out, was saying them to me. Mea culpa, my fault. I'm not sure why my brain decided to remember that part. I've only ever heard the saying a few times in my life because I am not Catholic or well-versed in latin. Who knows.

I could say mea culpa to all the people in my life who have seen me try to walk the Christian walk. Mea culpa that I am such a horrible representative of Christ sometimes. I continually put my foot in my mouth and say the wrong thing. Continually give in to certain things that I know I shouldn't. Patterns that still need breaking. Sometimes get dragged "back" (or let myself get dragged back) when I have been diligently moving forward at no matter the cost. But thankfully God can work through all my mess anyway. Thankfully he is bigger stronger and better and can handle me. Can handle all of us. Because everyone who walks trips and sometimes falls.

I am not perfect, but it's okay. This is me acknowledging my screw ups and not feeling guilty. There is a difference. I know the truth and I will do the best I can to walk in it. Even when there are setbacks. Hopefully people will be as forgiving as God is.

Maybe this is why I remembered the dream.


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