Master of Fine Arts---yes that's me! Well, the writing part of an MFA, that is. And being a "Master" is also subjective, but I do actually have the credential that at least says I am a "Master" of it now. :) That is cause for much celebration as it is hard to believe that it has been two years since I started the program.

Some of my fellow Queens' peeps know what I think the alternate meaning for MFA is... ;)

Anywho. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most talented, dedicated, passionate, and kind-hearted writers/people, I think in the world, at Queens, and I am going to miss them terribly. I will be planning a trip to NoCal sometime! And a trip to the ATL will also most def be in the works...

The heads in charge so stressed the need to continue the writing groups, workshops, and the community, and I believe that to be true. I don't want to get back here, sucked up in my life, and not writing. I am a writer. Writer's write. I may just have to be more disciplined and carve out time and just do it.

I don't know if I want to work on my thesis to make it publishable. One of my mentors has encouraged me to do so, but I don't think I am ready for that yet. Queens is pretty awesome unique in that they work with you as an alumni to help you get published. Heads in charge have constant contact with NY agents, so that would be a goal of mine. Oh to have a book in print and on sale!! Wow... Would you buy it?!

Yeah, right now that is only in my dreams.

But it is time to celebrate. I accomplished something. I completed something. And it's time I was less modest about that. Hurrah. I have my MFA...


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