This is all that I can say right now

I'm thirty pounds lighter
I just got a kitten, named him Desi
The tiny thing is sleeping in the crook of my elbow as I type this
I'm looking at condos to buy because its cheaper than renting nowadays
I work at a place I can be proud of, and they let me write some
There are some people that truly care about me
And I intend to focus more on them, instead of the ones that truly don't
I have accomplished academic things and made it through traumatizing things where I've had to forgive and be forgiven
I have eggs to eat for breakfast
I live in a city that has beaches, and bridges, and the loop
I have family
I have the early mornings, sitting quietly on my porch
I have a very, very, very patient, loving, long suffering, and compassionate God that I'm fighting to believe all that he says is good and true about me and my life.
I'm supposed to focus on "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—I'm supposed to think about such things..."
These words are supposed to change the inside of my mind. And I really want to let them. Renew and transform, minute by minute.
This is all that I can say right now:


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