Talking about something or nothing at all

So, I look back over my blog posts and some of them probably would have been better suited for private journal entries, not something public, but instead of being embarrassed and removing them, I will leave them. Hey, it's me, take it or leave it.

Some of them are even written mere days/weeks ago and I'm now thinking, wow this sounds like a very young, very sensitive and maybe sometimes whiney girl! Well, I may be some of those things some of the time. True. But everyone is something some of the time :) I just happen to write about it. You may not talk about yours. You may or may not relate. It's okay.

I use the word 'sometimes' quite a lot. Wishy washy words used by someone that doesn't want to step on anyones toes. I think that gets better the older I get.

I think some of the desperate pleadings I have written about on here have actually helped...I'm in a better place. Its...stable. I don't have so much insecurity about who and where I am right now in regards to past things. I know God hears my pleads and prayers. I know he's helped me through. And No, I'm not naive about that. Not having faith can be so hopeless and dark. I've been there. But now, feelings aren't so treacherous. Emotions aren't so irrational. I'm not perfect. But I'm okay. I have let it out. I am free.


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