Enough Said

Sales tax went up today. I'm sure you all know that by now. But it is now 7.75%. In some counties it went up to an even 8%. I wish NC was one of those states that didn't have sales tax, although I'm sure they make up that money in some other way. I guess it doesn't really interfere with my life too much until I make a big purchase, i.e. a computer, or a piece of furniture etc. That's when not having sales tax could really save you. But that is a given. I have the unfortunate ability to state the obvious. My manuscripts have often gotten the comment that I use unnecessary wording sometimes. Words get stricken through. Sentences get tightened up. I have gotten better with this because I am more mindful of it. But I'm not so sure if I will ever be a very polished writer. Eh. I am what I am. I have put it all on the backburner, which isn't good. I do get to write at my job, and then I write on here for my sanity, but I've taken my fiction hat off for a little while. I finally got my thesis back in the mail. It looks like a book; black leather, hard bound, with gold-embossed letters carefully placed on the spine...

I haven't had the strength to go back and read through it. This book, this thesis encompasses five semesters of pain-staking work. Sometimes I feel like I need to minimize it because I'm afraid people do. It was a studious, rigorous, prestigious, and sometimes pretentious (as the world of academia often is, especially literary crowds) program that I went through. I don't know why I feel the need to justify it. Anyway. The thing with writing is that it can always be changed. It is never final. When it is published and bound, that is as final as it gets; however, there is a creative writing class somewhere picking it a part, critiquing it, changing it. Dissing it. (But I guess the writer in that case gets the last laugh as they are cashing their checks...:) Writing is a subjective profession. Hah profession? It's often tortuous. But a loving torture, yes. People don't realize how much time and thought and care is poured into just one sentence during the revision process. You should never wonder why most writers are sensitive.

Here I go again speaking like I know things... :)

Well, I've spent some time in my new digs. But not moving in the big stuff just yet. To be honest, I haven't even packed a thing. But I plan on doing a lot of that during the upcoming long weekend.

This post is essentially pointless, so I apologize for that. I have some things swirling that are more purposeful to say, I'm just tired and I don't want to think too seriously right now. So, hopefully I will rest tonight. I couldn't sleep last night because I was mentally placing the furniture and all the stuff on the walls...

Urgh. I really don't want to pay more sales tax! The state will just mismanage the money and everyone will continue to rob Peter to pay Paul and soon there will be no more Medicaid or school buses, oh wait, they've already gotten rid of most of those!! What's next? School nurses? Oh wait, schools are already sharing nurses. Hmmm. The county has been having all of this stuff going on and "town hall" type meetings. The other day, we all had to go down to the library and watch a simul-cast (?) of a meeting. Did you know that some DSS employees are working 15 hour days just to get their work done because of their loss in staff/resources? Did you know that they are NOT getting paid overtime? Did you know that is illegal? Yeah, that question/problem was raised in the town hall meeting by an employee, and the Co. Manager kind of stumbled and said, err, uh, he'll have to look into this incident. Yeah, the state of North Carolina is breaking it's own labor laws.

Stepping off the soapbox now. Goodnight.


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