Rant Intermission: Part One

I'm really bothered by the people in charge of things, mostly in charge because "we" voted them to be, that have NO regard for health and welfare of their fellow humans. Are you telling me that now, there will be even less regulations on keeping the water we drink and the air we breathe clean because it is "bad for business?" So, some old rich white guy will get richer, while I can't feed my baby the food made with my contaminated tap water? Are we still living in a first-world, civilized country? I don't understand why anyone thinks it is a good idea to do away with anything that is in place for the protection of human life. 

I wish that someone would explain this logic to me in a rational, non-partisan manner. But they can't. Because there is no rational, logical reason. Money is the bottom line. Greed. 

It is going to end us all. 


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