You're just as far in as you'll ever be out

I'm just trying to breathe lately. The thing we're supposed to do without thinking. Slow, rising and falling motions that keep us living. Life just keeps on going. Doesn't give you a break, or pause when you need it to slow down, to regroup, to ponder the big decisions that you have to make. Sometimes something happens to knock your perception of things over the edge. When you get there you wonder why the heck didn't you see it that way before. I always agonize over, "what's the right thing?" I know that is because, of course, the unknowns make me uneasy---Even if you have faith, that doesn't mean you won't have feelings.

Do you ever feel like you're spinning your wheels? Have you ever had the feeling of being stagnant? You've done all you could do. Veni Vidi Vici, or something like that.

After asking myself some hard questions, I've realized I have some pretty stupid reasons/answers that shouldn't hold much ground to commit me to something.

Alls I know is that life has gotten so busy I have to remind myself to breathe. I have been blog-absent for a while, and there's been good reason for that. Big decisions are in the air and I've got to make a move.

Just thinking out loud...


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